
It is strongly recommended / you are firmly advised to read the Essential Reading page [IN ITS ENTIRETY] before continuing on to reading most of the information contained even here on this page. OR EVEN, ON THE HOME Page.



For anyone who has followed my information over the years, you will know that my personal views are FAR FROM THE VIEWS of MAINSTREAM SOCIETY.

I have MAJOR ISSUES with the blatant propaganda and hypocrisy that prevails - in particular, across the Western world - when it comes to the higher principles that they claim to uphold, as they often cite other nations as being prone to violating the rights and freedoms of their citizens 'in the autocratic national interest of that nation's leadership'; given what many of these democratic nations will routinely be doing at the top levels of governments and through their government agencies "in their own national interest".

And in this respect, I can speak from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE - given the thefts of intellectual property from me and the multiple attempts on my life.

I have also long criticised NATO for their decision-making and warmongering antagonism that fuelled the escalation of the domestic disputes that existed between Ukraine and Russia.

Right from the very start, I openly made comparisons with the Falkland Islands, the Hawaiian Islands and Alaska, as well as the Falklands War and the U.S. response to the attack on Pearl Harbour - after the Japanese forces implemented steps to 'deprive the U.S. forces of their Naval Fleet; a charge, an intention and a motive that can quite easily be similarly attributed to the actions of Ukrainian government.

And the former [the 'Pearl Harbour' Naval Capability deprivation attempt] resulted in TWO ATOMIC BOMBS BEING DROPPED on that antagonist nation:


And I have cited NATO involvement (via EU member states) as being the cause of the whole escalation of tensions and the resulting instability in the region in the first place. That is to say that it was all as a result of the questionable and HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE (in my humble opinion) actions and guidance of the EU over the course of recent decades, hence effectively constituting a NATO influence - with devious and cynical intent].

Indeed, this link will actually progress that very same argument yet one whole stage further.
Piers Morgan / Jeffrey Sachs Snippet - on Ukraine

Moreover, I was a most open critic of Israel's actions during the October the 7th raid that then led to the escalation that we see today, and I made no secret of the fact that I PERSONALLY DID NOT AT THE TIME [AND STILL DO NOT] believe that Israel could not possibly have done anything to prevent this attack from J.C.B.s travelling at walking pace to breach their defences.

Indeed, not even the recent additions to that story - involving helicopter gunships and friendly fire (which have conveniently come to light since my initial criticisms at the time about the absence of any air power for 7 or more whole hours) - is enough to convince me that Israel had more of an interest in orchestrating this conflict (or at the very very least, in allowing it to happen) than they did to prevent it from happening).


And in addition, I have long been a stern critic of Israel's actions over the course of their occupation of Palestine and the consequent establishment of the State of Israel, and as such, that latest set of critical documents against Israel from a year or so ago were simply the latest addition to a long list of other critical documents that I have compiled over the last half decade or so.

But yet, as many readers will have seen, as this war in Gaza drew on more an more [i.e. into it's 2nd and 3rd months] and as we heard more and more about it and witnessed more and more global demonstrations taking place in opposition to it and all of the atrocities being committed therein - BUT ALL AT THE SAME TIME as we heard less and less about the other war that was simultaneously waging in Sudan (from half a year prior), not to mention a whole swathe of other conflicts that have effectively been continuously taking place for decades across that continent - it gradually became apparent that I simply could not justify continuing to voice my personal criticism against Israel for actions that the Arab/Muslims within Palestinian whilst those same victimised peoples being targeted in this instance [Arab/Muslims] who formed the greater part of the people who were demonstrating across the globe against that war and those atrocities WERE ALSO THE VERY SAME PEOPLE who were committing ESSENTIALLY THE EXACT SAME ATROCITIES across the black African nations and populations of Africa [as in the Sudan conflict and also, routinely in conflict after conflict, as part of a concerted initiative] and yet, all of those same people (including both, the victims [Arab/Muslims] and the demonstrators [Arab/Muslims], along with the rest of the world) were routinely ignoring the aggressions and atrocities being committed by the aggressors [Arab/Muslims] across Africa.

Furthermore, as I have previously conveyed and asserted, this offensive against the black African populations of Africa (at the hands of Arabs and/or Muslim forces) is NOT AT ALL NEW; it has been taking place for MILLENNIA, and is indeed, ACTUALLY ENSHRINED in the Islamic religion (which itself, like ALL THE MAJOR RELIGIONS ACROSS THE GLOBE, effectively) is simply a manifestation of the objectives of the Insurgent forces here on this planet.

And I have questioned the hypocrisy of NATO for not allowing Bashshar Assad just the nine months that he had said he wished to use to facilitate a PEACEFUL transition of power in elections in his country; NATO ALLIES instead INSISTING that he step down IMMEDIATELY, leaving a dangerous and unstable vacuum that NATO NATIONS would be able to exploit in some way, but ALL at a cost of conflict and instability across that nation.

And yet, more recently, we had the UK taking two or three years [INDEED, AND STILL COUNTING, in all honesty] to negotiate its own withdrawal from the EU (an alliance which, in its latest manifestation, had existed much much shorter span of time (arguably, significantly less than a couple of decades) than the century [give or take] that the ruling Syrian Alawites regimes had held power in Syria [incidentally, under European guidance/influence, namely, France].

So why should they NOT EVEN have been granted just NINE months to avoid what would inevitably have resulted in a WHOLLY AVOIDABLE CIVIL WAR?
How could this NOT be regarded as a NATO / FOREIGN INFLUENCE, MEDDLING in the affairs [and hence, in the DESTINY] of other nations, yet, who will often criticise other nations for seeking to influence their own destinies.

In addition, I have long stated that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING INHERENTLY WRONG WITH COMMUNISM, as is routinely upheld by many prominent Western nations, who treat it almost as a swear word, even to this day.

The plain fact of the matter is that communism can EASILY prove to be a MUCH FAIRER regime/ideology than capitalism; i.e. that a given communist autocratic regime can easily prove to be far fairer and far more judiciously led than a given democratic, capitalist regime.

And I have further asserted that a good, upstanding, well principled leader actually in control and leading is a far more important asset than the ideological regime that, through bad guidance, might well end up proving to completely overshadow these aforementioned qualities of a given good leader.

Put another way, an autocracy that is led by a well principled, judicious leader CAN EASILY PROVE TO BE FAR FAR "FAIRER" AND BETTER LED than even THE MOST FAIREST AND DEMOCRATIC OF DEMOCRACIES if the populations of that democracy ARE NOT WELL PRINCIPLED, JUDICIOUS or prudent; and in particular, if the guiding force behind them all IS NONE OF THE ABOVE.

(Which is where I will often lead on to the notion of MEDIA-LED DEMOCRACIES, and the question of who is really pulling the strings within our democratic, but plainly, propaganda-filled democratic nations, where communism is a swear word, capitalism is apparently "HEAVENLY", and NATO CAN DO NO WRONG?; and also, where multi-party democratic nations and leaders believe that it is totally fine to MURDER the Christ individual and steal all of his intellectual property for their own use, even though they would openly accuse [and then criticise] a China, Russia or Korea, claiming that it is they who 'apparently' aspire to do the exact same thing as they themselves are explicitly pursuing).


These are the sorts of inconsistencies that I have routinely pointed out against many of the nations of the established order across the globe, not least, because it is many of these same nations and governments that have been at the forefront of the thefts of my intellectual property and the multiple attempts on my life [as the Christ individual] that are routinely taking place in all manner of different ways and guises.

Thus, it is these matters that I shall be discussing in these pages, with a newer means to convey that information much quicker means that writing lengthy documents that will end up ultimately going nowhere.

And as such, you will PLAINLY SEE why I am of the firm opinion that the motivations, principles and moral standing [and hence, in particular, the spiritual alignment] of the current Established World Order leaves PLENTY TO BE DESIRED (and that is even before we even venture into the detail of the level of control that is leveraged by insurgent forces over them).

Why this is of particular interest is the fact that I have often questioned the notion of whether ALL NATIONS across the globe are inherently Insurgency-aligned (and hence, all firmly aligned against the divinely-aligned Celestial Hierarchy) or whether it might be possible that there are actually specific nations who are not insurgency aligned (or less insurgency aligned than others) and possibly even, nations that could potentially align with the Christ individual and the divinely-aligned Celestial Hierarchy, in accordance with the LAW and the WILL of the ALMIGHTY CREATOR.

And in so intimating, I have firmly stated that the NATO ALLIANCE Nations (certainly those with leaders who have been actively conspiring to murder me [as the Christ individual], disrespect me and steal my intellectual property from me) would actually be THE LAST NATIONS that I would seek to look to in order to instantiate any such divinely-aligned alliance, given the devious antics of many of those nations against me as things currently stand - which would leave me having to look elsewhere to try and establish whether it were even remotely possible for any such alliance to EVER BE ESTABLISHED in what might well be the death throes of human existence on this planet.

That would be something that they would have to earn - and earn over time; in the eyes of Greater Powers.




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